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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


Win a Special Collector's Edition of Music by Llewellyn

Win a Special Collector's Edition of Music by Llewellyn

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Celebs Now - Woman's Own Magazine - Life Death Prizes - What's On TV -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Celebs Now (1 winner)


Special Collector's Edition of Music by Llewellyn

Woman's Own Magazine (2 winners)


Special Collector's Edition of Music by Llewellyn

L Swann, West Bromwich

Special Collector's Edition of Music by Llewellyn

Life Death Prizes (1 winner)

J Tift, Spilsby

Special Collector's Edition of Music by Llewellyn

What's On TV (1 winner)

D Jackson, Newark

Special Collector's Edition of Music by Llewellyn

Llewellyn, the award-winning composer of sleep and relaxation music, is popular the world over for his hit after hit of heavenly music designed to uplift the spirits of its listeners and transform them to other realms filled with wonder, magic, relaxation, and even sensual arousal.

Both as a musician and artist, Llewellyn is often described as having a beautiful otherworldly quality, his art perfectly complementing  his ethereal instrumental music.

Now, the renowned artist, who has sold over a million albums worldwide and received millions of streams across digital platforms, has just released his new double album - ‘The Very Best of Llewellyn' featuring two and a half hours of divine relaxing and sleep music.

This money-can’t-buy collector’s edition is beautifully packaged in a deluxe cardboard case housing 2 audio CDs and 4 postcard size art cards of original Llewellyn paintings which are rich in colour and literally shine and emit energy.

So why not enter this competition to win a collector’s edition of ‘The Very Best of Llewellyn’; simply answer the question below:

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 02/02/2023.


Special Collector's Edition of Music by Llewellyn x5