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Win a sleep bundle for sleeping Soundly with Mute

10 sleep bundles

10 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Celebs Now - Woman Magazine - Life Death Prizes - Woman's Weekly Magazine - What's On TV -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Celebs Now (2 winners)

D Dalmon, Liverpool

10 sleep bundles

D Pendleton, DRONFIELD

10 sleep bundles

Woman Magazine (1 winner)

J Stansfield, Kidlington

10 sleep bundles

Life Death Prizes (3 winners)

J Fawcett, Belfast

10 sleep bundles

A Aspden, Preston

10 sleep bundles


10 sleep bundles

Woman's Weekly Magazine (1 winner)

R Phillimore, SALISBURY

10 sleep bundles

What's On TV (3 winners)

A Johnson, Doncaster

10 sleep bundles

S Jones, Fleetwood

10 sleep bundles

S Lambourne, Burgess Hill

10 sleep bundles

We have 10 sleep bundles up for grabs which include the Mute Snoring Nasal Dilator in medium, a Mute Trial Pack, and Silk Eye Sleep Masks.

New research shows that snoring is keeping us awake at night and lots of us are resorting to extreme - sometimes just silly - hacks such as using extra pillows, drinking water before bed, and putting a tennis ball in your pyjamas to stop you lying on your back.

A study of 2,000 adults found 56 per cent either snore or have a partner who does, with 54 per cent of those resorting to a host of tricks to try and silence the noise.

Mute, the nasal dilator, has been shown to help snorers; particularly those with night-time nasal congestion or nasal obstructions. Both snorers and their partners report a better night’s sleep when Mute is used, waking more refreshed.  In a user trial, 75% of partners reported snoring was less/much less when the snorer used Mute.

Mute offers great value in the ‘battle’ against snoring at just £12.99 for a month’s trial pack from Amazon UK, Holland & Barrett online and all good chemists. It comes in three sizes – small, medium and large rrp £16.99 containing three in a box offering a month’s supply. All sizes adjust to fit all nose sizes and types and the trial pack contains all three to find your right size.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 05/10/2023.


10 sleep bundles x10