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Win a £250 Pandora Jewellery gift card and book bundle!

£250 Pandora Jewellery gift card and copy of Kate Garraway’s book The Strength of Love, Lucy Spraggan’s book Process and a copy of Ashely Cain’s book Strong!

1 prize to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

R Cole, Benfleet

£250 Pandora Jewellery gift card and copy of Kate Garraway’s book The Strength of Love, Lucy Spraggan’s book Process and a copy of Ashely Cain’s book Strong!

To celebrate Christmas, we’re giving you the chance to win an inspirational stories book bundle and a £250 Pandora Jewellery gift Card to treat yourself or someone special in your life.

The books include Kate Garraway’s moving story The Strength of Love, Lucy Spraggan’s inspirational memoir Process and Ashley Cain’s heartfelt story Strong. Inspire someone in your life with these incredible stories.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 31/01/2024.


£250 Pandora Jewellery gift card and copy of Kate Garraway’s book The Strength of Love, Lucy Spraggan’s book Process and a copy of Ashely Cain’s book Strong! x1