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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


Win £100 worth of Bio-Kult S. Boulardii

£100 worth of Bio-Kult S. Boulardii

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Celebs Now - What's On TV - Woman's Weekly Magazine -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Celebs Now (1 winner)


£100 worth of Bio-Kult S. Boulardii

What's On TV (3 winners)

J Dalton, Dundee

£100 worth of Bio-Kult S. Boulardii

S Ellis, Dunstable

£100 worth of Bio-Kult S. Boulardii


£100 worth of Bio-Kult S. Boulardii

Woman's Weekly Magazine (1 winner)

G Davies, Bristol

£100 worth of Bio-Kult S. Boulardii

5 lucky winners will win £100 worth of Bio-Kult S. Boulardii, to help support their immunity and digestive track. An advanced multi-action formulation, Bio-Kult S. Boulardii supports the balance of microorganisms in the gut and contains vitamin D3 to contribute to normal functioning of the immune system, making it ideal for those looking to support their immunity, along-side any digestive issues.  

Adults and children 12+: Take up to 2 capsules daily, with food.

Children 3-11: Give 1 capsule daily, with food.

Key Benefits include:

Gluten free
Vegetarian Society Approved
No artificial colours or flavours
Can be stored at room temperature without the need for refrigeration, just make sure you keep me cool, dry and out of direct sunlight
Live yeast culture, Saccharomyces boulardii
Vitamin D3 contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system
Formulated in the UK by our Bio-Kult scientists

Suitable for:

Everyday use
Alongside antibiotics
When travelling

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 27/03/2023.


£100 worth of Bio-Kult S. Boulardii x5