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To ENTER this competition for FREE either


Win £100 of The Soap Loaf Company Cosmeti-Craft Kits

Win £100 of The Soap Loaf Company Cosmeti-Craft Kits and Products

5 prizes to be won!

Ending in





Competition Winners

This Competition was run concurrently on these Competition Websites:
- Celebs Now - Woman's Weekly Magazine - Life Death Prizes -

The winners have been drawn using all the correct entries from all of these sites.

Celebs Now (1 winner)

T Stevenson, Dunstable

Win £100 of The Soap Loaf Company Cosmeti-Craft Kits and Products

Woman's Weekly Magazine (2 winners)

L Paddington, Bognor Regis

Win £100 of The Soap Loaf Company Cosmeti-Craft Kits and Products


Win £100 of The Soap Loaf Company Cosmeti-Craft Kits and Products

Life Death Prizes (2 winners)


Win £100 of The Soap Loaf Company Cosmeti-Craft Kits and Products

A Waterton, London

Win £100 of The Soap Loaf Company Cosmeti-Craft Kits and Products

The Soap Loaf Company began, making soap with children’s groups as an activity and ran a small holiday club locally. The business was always intended to be a small hobby type business. However, five years ago it was decided it was time to look for a premises as after the success of the holiday club soap making activities. We were getting asked a lot about how we could run more and where our workshop was. The idea seemed to be getting a lot of attention around it.

The business was developing nicely and then in the spring of 2018 we wanted to attract the adult customer audience. This is when we obtained the trademark Cosmeti-Craft® and released specialist cosmetic making workshops and parties for adults. The popularity caused to us grow very quickly and we are now running in 13 different locations throughout Yorkshire. We also travel all over the country running events and parties along with charity support work, plus working with special needs groups, schools, universities and many others.

We are very proud to now be partnered with large respectable brands that generate further growth for us. We have big plans for the business during the next 18 months and look forward to building things further. 

If you are looking to have fun learning a new skill, take some time to care for yourself and wellbeing, or share a unique crafting experience with friends and loved ones then The Soap Loaf Company’s Cosmeti-Craft® Experiences are the ones for you! Our Cosmeti-Craft Kits enable you to make many different products at home.

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 24/03/2022.


Win £100 of The Soap Loaf Company Cosmeti-Craft Kits and Products x5